Welcome to our first Pittsburgh Pirates season record prediction contest here at Nittany Sports Now. This has been an annual contest on Cory Giger’s radio show, “Sports Central,” for years, and now we are bringing it here, as well.
The contest rules are simple: Give us your prediction for the Pirates’ record this season. If one person gets it exactly right, you will be the winner. If more than one person gets it exactly right, we will put all the correct predictions in a hat and draw one winner.
If no one predicts the exact answer, no winner be declared.
The prize will be a Pittsburgh Pirates jersey of the player of your choice. It can be a current player, or a historical one (such as Roberto Clemente), as long as we can find a jersey that’s still available.
The prize value is roughly $100, which is about what individual jerseys run for.
YOU MUST make your prediction in the comments section below to be eligible. Predictions made on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media platform are NOT eligible. The prediction MUST be listed in the comments section of this story.
Your prediction must be in by midnight on April 5.
Good luck!
And for the record, Giger’s prediction for the Buccos this season is 61-101.
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